Prophet Okose Emmanuel has ignited a fierce debate with his recent assertion that sex before marriage is not a sin, a statement that has drawn widespread criticism and backlash.

In a post shared on social media, the Prophet stood firm on his stance, challenging conventional Christian beliefs and urging believers to study their bibles carefully.

He argued that the concept of sex before marriage being sinful is not a law given by God but rather a rule created by man.

Prophet Okose Emmanuel contends that many practices followed by believers today stem from human suggestions rather than divine commandments.

He referenced the topic of divorce as an example, noting that while God expressed a strong dislike for it, He did not entirely prohibit it.

The Prophet further criticized what he describes as a generation of “religiously confused leaders” who have passed on their confusion to their congregations, resulting in a mass of believers who, in his view, lack a clear understanding of biblical teachings.

Addressing the topic of love and relationships, Prophet Okose Emmanuel questioned the practicality of abstaining from sex before marriage when two people are deeply in love and share strong affection for one another.

He suggested that adhering strictly to the “no sex before marriage” rule does not necessarily prevent people from making poor marital choices, such as ending up with an abusive partner.

His comments have sparked widespread discussion, with some supporting his view as a call for reevaluation of religious practices, while others vehemently oppose his interpretation, labeling it as misleading and dangerous.

Despite the backlash, Prophet Okose Emmanuel remains resolute in his position, clarifying that he only considers having multiple sexual partners a sin.

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