Democracy Hub, organisers of the “Fix the Country” demonstrations have announced plans to hit the streets in the coming days over the devastation caused by illegal mining locally known as ‘galamsey’.

The group’s convener, Naa Densuah, is calling for the resignation of the Minister of Lands and Natural Resources and other state officials.

According to her, those in power have ignored the damage caused by illegal miners to the country’s rivers and lands because they also benefit from the illicit activities.

She emphasised that this is not merely an environmental issue but a symptom of a broken system that prioritises profit and greed over governance and the well-being of the people.

“We are not just calling for an end to illegal mining; we are calling for the resignation of those who have allowed this crisis to fester. We demand the immediate resignation of the following officials: the Minister for Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation; the Minister for Lands and Natural Resources; the heads of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); the Minerals Commission; and the Forestry Commission. These are the individuals who have failed to protect our environment.”

She urged all Ghanaians to stand against illegal mining and corruption, emphasising that the future belongs to the youth.

Mrs Densuah stressed the importance of shaping the future by holding the government accountable.

“I say to you, rise. Young people of Ghana, rise and take your place at the forefront of this movement for change. Rise and demand a government that works for you, not against you. Rise and be the voice that says: galamsey must stop, corruption must end, and the future must be ours to shape.”

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