On Sunday, Nigeria cyclist, Ese Lovina Ukpeseraye compete as di only cycling representative from Africa for di Olympics Olympics. Expressing her joy on Thursday, Ese make one post ontop social media to thank German team for offering dia bicycle.

Soon afta her post, many Nigerians begin link di non-availability of bicycle for di cyclist to use during di competition as “incompetence” from di ministry of sport.

Even though, Ese no tok for her post say Nigeria team “borrow” bicycle for di competition, dis cause plenti gbas-gbos ontop Nigeria social space.

Di 25-year-old cyclist, wey compete for women Keirin and Sprint cycling category, finish 6th wit di time 13.108, for 158 km road race. She miss out on di qualifying spot for di quarterfinal.

Ese, on Thursday for her X page say: “Due to di short notice of me competing at di keirin & Sprint, I no get bicycle to race wit on di tracks.”

“In d spirit of sportsmanship di German team @bunddeutscherradfahr come to my rescue by offering me one bicycle. Thank you,” she tok.

While some Nigerians dey thank di Germany team for sportsmanship, odas begin criticise di Nigeria ministry of sport ova di claim say dem “borrow” bicycle for di cyclist to compete for dis category.

How Ese get di bike for road race from Olympics Germany team?

Following di reaction, Minister for Sports Development, Senator John Owan Enoh on X, clarify wetin really happun during di cycling competition for Olympics, and how Ese bin get di bike wey she use compete.

Di minister tok say pipo bin misunderstand Ese post, becos Nigeria team bin qualify, for one road race in di Olympic cycling competition, and prepare for am in terms of training and di appropriate competition equipment.

Di minister explain further say, di Nigeria team don prepare for di road race, until two weeks ago wen dem receive notification from di Union Cycliste Internationale, wia Nigeria team qualify for one slot, but dem bin need one special equipment to compete wey go take di cycling federation months to buy.

Im explain say di cycling federation through, “Ese Club for Europe and working wit one German owned Company, get one ‘Track Bike’ for our cycler Ese.”

Di minister say she go compete on Friday, 9 August for individual sprint, di race wey she originally qualify for

“Dis reallocation to Nigeria na sake of di disqualification of one kontri, leaving Nigeria as di next eligible to make di list of qualified kontri wey go compete,” di minister tok.

“Unfortunately, dis additional slot require di use of different competition equipment in terms of biking. For dis track race reallocated to Team Nigeria, one veri special equipment (approve specifically for di Olympic track game) dem go use. E go take months to get am deliver afta ordering and making payment.”

Inside one Interview on Thursday, President of Nigeria Cycling Federation, Giandomenico Massari clear di air say Nigeria team always dey use dia bike to compete for competitions but wetin happun be say afta dem receive qualification letter from UCI di team don already dey for Paris.

Oga Giandomenico explain say na di same athlete wey dey compete for di track na im also dey qualified for di road race but di equipment wey she go use dem go need approval from Olympics bifor she go fit use am.

“For Olympics all di equipment needed to compete need to be approved. So our bike, di one for road no dey, but di one for track dey available,” e tok.

“No be problem of how much di cost of di bike be. E require months bifor dem go deliver am afta you don place di order for am. So, no way to get di bike.”

“But we no fit lose dis type of opportunity for Nigeria, na di first time ever Nigeria qualify for cycling for Olympic road and eventually track. So we make everitin [possible so dat] we fit go ahead.”

Di president explain say dem make arrangement with Castelli wey be Ese club to give dem di approved Olympic bike wey she fit use for di competition odawise Nigeria team no go fit participate at all.

E explain say Nigeria team get di short notification becos Egypt wey intially qualify dem later disqualify dia representative and na Nigeria team be di next wit only two weeks notification for di kontri.

“Di point be say UCI give us dis notification due to di fact say di Egyptian lady, wey initially qualify, dem don disqualify am and immediately na we be di next. We only get two weeks bifor di competition,” di president tok.

Oda Nigeria controversies during di 2024 Paris Olympics Games

So far, oda various controversies wey don cause sensation on top Nigeria space including di name of Favour Ofili wey dem ommit from di 100 meters Olympics race for Paris. Ofili also raise alarm ontop her social media wia di minister for sport, John Owan Enoh tok sday dem go sanction pipo wey dey involve in di irregularities.

Anoda, US Olympic medallist, Annette Echikunwoke, wey bi Nigeria representative for last Tokyo Olympic. Many Nigerians don reacts ova how di kontri dey lose im talents to oda developed kontris

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